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A loudspeaker sits on a table on top of a hand-painted climate protest sign

Take action

You can make a difference. Add your voice and join the fight for a brighter future!

Everyone deserves the right to a healthy environment.

People across Canada waited for more than two decades to win the legal right to a healthy environment. It’s now time for the federal government to implement this right as strongly as possible.

Take action and call for a strong right to a healthy environment by sending an email to Minister Guilbeault and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

A sign at a climate protest reads our children deserve a healthy planet
Wildfire burning a forest with dense smoke.

Tell your MP to stop fuelling wildfires

Climate change has created the perfect conditions for “supercharged” wildfire seasons. And it’ll only get worse if we keep on burning coal, oil, and gas.

Politicians have the power to put us on the path to a safer future. But they’ll only act if you tell them to.

Save nature now

Right now, we have the opportunity to make a real difference for nature and climate.

The UN Biodiversity Conference last year saw Canada commit to protecting 30 per cent of lands and oceans by 2030. 

Now, we need Prime Minister Trudeau to pass a law with clear timelines and accountability for these targets. Will you be a voice for nature?

Images of Canadian animals including a butterfly, a mother bear and her cub, an owl and caribou
Image of financial institutions in Toronto Canada.

Urge financial institutions to stop funding fossil fuels

Canada’s banks and insurance firms are among the world’s largest oil, gas, and coal funders.

Please write to the directors of these companies today and demand they stop using your money to fund the climate crisis.

Call for an end to thermal coal

It’s time for Canada to stop carving up mountains, polluting the air, and exacerbating the climate crisis by mining thermal coal and shipping it overseas.

Tell Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault that you want Canada to stop mining and exporting thermal coal.

A cargo ship is loaded with coal