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An orca swims up to the surface of water creating ripples around it.

Photo by Miles Ritter, via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Trans Mountain 2.0: Challenging the federal government’s project approval

Raincoast Conservation Foundation et al v Attorney General of Canada et al, 2019 FCA 224

July 7, 2021

Ecojustice’s 2018 Trans Mountain victory overturned the project approval, forced the National Energy Board to re-evaluate the project’s marine shipping impacts, and halted construction on the expansion.

Unfortunately, in June 2019, the government approved the Trans Mountain pipeline project for a second time.

For the sake of the Southern Residents and upholding the law Ecojustice went back to the Federal Court of Appeal to seek leave to challenge Cabinet’s decision to re-approve the project.

When the Federal Court of Appeal decided not to hear our case or any other environmental law arguments against the government’s Trans Mountain re-approval Ecojustice asked the Supreme Court to reverse this decision.

We knew from the outset that there was no guarantee the court would hear our case. The SCC receives a high number of leave applications every year and only grants leave in about 10 per cent of cases.

However, Ecojustice and its clients strongly believed it was important to bring this case as far as we could both for the future of the Southern Resident killer whales and for endangered species law in Canada.

Unfortunately, in a decision issued in March 2020, the SCC declined to hear our arguments.

The ruling brought years of legal efforts to protect Southern Resident killer whales from the Trans Mountain pipeline project to an end.

The Trans Mountain pipeline project threatens endangered Southern Resident killer whales, the climate, and coastal ecosystems and Canadians. The proposed expansion would carry 890,000 barrels of oil per day from Edmonton to the Westridge Terminal in Burnaby. The oil would then be shipped by tanker through the Salish Sea and on to American and overseas markets.

If built, the expansion would lead to seven times more tanker traffic crossing the Salish Sea, critical habitat for the Southern Residents. This raises the risk of tanker strikes, which could be deadly to whales, or a catastrophic oil spill.

Even if neither of those scenarios play out, the increase in tankers will mean more underwater noise when current levels already severely impact the whales’ ability to navigate, hunt and communicate with each other.

What does this outcome mean?

The federal government has a legal responsibility to help at-risk species, such as the Southern Resident killer whales, survive and recover. And Ecojustice is committed to continuing to use the power of the law to hold it to account.

While we have reached the end of the road in this particular case, Ecojustice and its allies continue to call on the government to introduce enforceable, legally-binding protections for the whales such as mandatory – instead of voluntary – vessel slow-downs and a measurable underwater noise reduction target.

If we want the Southern Resident killer whales to survive for generations to come, we have no choice but to continue pushing for better protections.

The Southern Residents already face imminent threats to their survival, including:

  • A lack of Chinook salmon, the whales’ preferred prey
  • Acoustic and physical disturbance from vessel traffic
  • And contamination of the ecosystems where they live

At this rate, the declining population cannot handle these existing threats. much less additional hazards posed by the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Without immediate, decisive, and effective action, we risk losing Southern Resident killer whales altogether.

Mar 2020
An orca swims up to the surface of water creating ripples around it.

What the end of Ecojustice’s Trans Mountain case means for endangered killer whales

Lawyer Dyna Tuytel reflects on what the end to Ecojustice’s legal fight to protect Southern Resident killer whales from Trans Mountain will mean for the whales and for Ecojustice, following a disappointing decision from the Supreme Court of Canada.
Mar 2020
An orca calf comes up from the water for air followed by its parents.
press release

Supreme Court of Canada refuses to hear Trans Mountain case, conservation groups react

VANCOUVER – The Supreme Court of Canada announced today that it will not hear a set of legal challenges to the federal government’s re-approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline project, including a case aimed at protecting endangered Southern Resident killer whales from the project.
Nov 2019
Two women stand together outside in the city and smile.
press release

Conservation groups appeal to Supreme Court in Trans Mountain suit

OTTAWA — Ecojustice, acting on behalf of Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Living Oceans Society, is taking the fight to defend endangered Southern Resident killer whales from the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Oct 2019
Two orcas swim through blue-green water.

Trans Mountain timeline: A look back at Ecojustice’s fight against the pipeline project

This multimedia Trans Mountain timeline traces the history of Ecojustice’s fight to defend endangered Southern Resident killer whales from the risky pipeline project.
Sep 2019
A young and adult orca jump out of the water. The air is misty and grey.

What’s next in the Trans Mountain fight

Earlier today, the Federal Court of Appeal issued a disappointing decision, declining to hear Ecojustice’s most recent challenge of the Trans Mountain pipeline project, brought on behalf Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Living Oceans Society.
Sep 2019
An orca breaches the water and catches a fish in its mouth.
press release

Statement: Conservation groups respond to Federal Court of Appeal decision on Trans Mountain

VANCOUVER – The Federal Court of Appeal ruled today that it will not proceed with hearing a case Ecojustice brought on behalf of Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Living Oceans Society, challenging the federal government’s approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline project.
Aug 2019
An orca breaches the water and catches a fish in its mouth.

Southern Resident deaths show whales can’t handle existing conditions — much less new TMX threats

Earlier this week, we received devastating news about the Southern Resident killer whales.
Jul 2019
Ecojustice lawyers Margot and Dyna on Pender Island, where Southern Resident kiiller whales can be spotted from shore.
Jul 2019
Ecojustice lawyers Margot and Dyna on Pender Island, where Southern Resident kiiller whales can be spotted from shore.
press release

Conservation groups launch new case challenging Trans Mountain Pipeline

VANCOUVER – Ecojustice is going back to court on behalf of Living Oceans Society and Raincoast Conservation Foundation to challenge the federal government’s re-approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.
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An orca comes up from the water for air. On a nearby cliff a group of people sit and watch.

Building a future where the climate is safe and whales are abundant

I have some of the world’s most magnificent neighbours — but lately, I haven’t seen them around.