Today we’re celebrating another major court victory for the climate and for Canadians.
In a judgment handed down this morning, the Ontario Court of Appeal rejected Premier Doug Ford’s attempts to derail nationally-coordinated efforts to combat climate change and confirmed the federal government has the power to defend Canadians from climate breakdown.
Today’s victory comes on the heels of an earlier decision from the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal, which — in a judicial first — found that “climate change is doubtless an emergency in the sense that it presents a genuine threat to Canada.”
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Ecojustice lawyers intervened in both sets of proceedings. And that’s not all you’re helping us do – here’s a peek at what else we’ll be working on during the summer months:
- Pressure the federal government to back today’s victory with urgent action grounded in strong, enforceable climate laws;
- Stand strong against the likes of Premier Jason Kenney in Alberta, who has set up a $30 million ‘war room’ in an effort to silence environmental critics;
- Go to court to defend your right to a safe climate and healthy environment.
Thank you for standing with us.