Ecojustice counts on your support to make sure our elected leaders act with the urgency that our twin emergencies — climate change and species extinction — warrant.

This is not a drill. We are in a state of emergency. A pair of U.N. reports, authored by the world’s leading scientists, have laid bare the immense existential challenges we face.

One million plant and animal species face imminent extinction. We have just 11 years to dramatically reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the climate breakdown.

Failing to act now will be the difference between a livable future and an uncertain world, where the impact on human communities will include food shortages, emerging health issues related to heat stress, and more weather-related disasters such as wildfires and floods.

And yet, Canada’s elected leaders seem content to stick with the status quo and play politics with the most basic elements of human survival — clean air and water, healthy ecosystems, a safe climate. They have fallen short of exhibiting the moral leadership and political determination required to steer Canada toward a safer future.

Holding elected leaders to account

That’s why Ecojustice exists. When governments break the law and fail to protect Canadians and the environment we depend on, Ecojustice takes them to court. But we can’t do it without you.

Whether we’re facing off against Doug Ford in Ontario, Jason Kenney in Alberta, or even John Horgan —who approved a liquefied-natural-gas project in British Columbia that will make it even harder for the province to meet its greenhouse-gas reduction targets — Ecojustice has never wavered in our commitment to fight climate change, defend nature, and ensure a safe and healthy environment for future generations.

We need you to fight with us. Your support keeps elected leaders of all political stripes on the hook for putting us on the path toward a brighter environmental future.

 You are powering legal actions to ensure that:

  • No provincial government — including those led by Ford and Kenney — derails nationally-coordinated efforts to address our climate emergency;
  • Boreal caribou herds in Alberta and Ontario are protected by safety net orders, a provision under the Species at Risk Act that empowers the federal government to step in when the provinces falter; and
  • Premier Horgan’s government passes a revamped climate law that will hold future governments to account for tackling climate change.

Whether we’re playing defence or offence, Ecojustice is no stranger to holding governments to account for protecting the environment. But to defend species and ecosystems under threat and safeguard our climate, we need you to stand with us in every legal battle.

Take action today

Here are three ways you can join the legal fight today: Urge the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to use the Species at Risk Act to protect boreal caribou herds in Alberta and Ontario; share this blog post with your friends and family; or make a gift and use the law to defend nature and combat climate change.

Thank you for your support.