You may not have heard that May is LEAVE A LEGACY month!

LEAVE A LEGACY is a national public awareness program designed to encourage people to leave a gift through their will, or any other gift planning instrument, to a charity or non-profit organization of their choice. It’s a stage to showcase some creative and lesser known ways that Canadians like you are supporting their favourite charities and a chance to encourage others to follow suit. You can think of Legacy Giving as a social investment for the future. It allows you to provide funding for your favourite cause after you’ve died.

This time last year I shared my own story about legacy giving. I talked about my grandparents and how they invested in my education and inspired me to be an agent for change. They also showed me how I could provide a legacy gift for the causes I care about. This year, we are keeping the tradition alive by showcasing Ecojustice donor Frances Litman (A version of this story appeared in the Vancouver Sun).

Frances is a professional photographer who sees the world from many perspectives. It’s this type of vision that has resulted in a passion for philanthropy and serving her community. She aspires to see the environment become as well-supported and funded as the disease charities. Frances believes that a healthy planet is the ultimate in disease prevention.

“The lack of integrity shown by our government has created huge legal battles for environmental and indigenous groups doing the hero work on our behalf, which is why I support Ecojustice monthly and with a future gift of my RRSP,” Frances said.

Frances chose the perfect gift to match her life circumstances. She recognized that her RRSP would rack up a sizable amount of income tax when she died. By designating Ecojustice as the beneficiary of her RRSP, the tax receipt will offset the taxes payable and the resulting tax benefit will double the impact of her gift.

Setting up this gift is a super easy and straightforward process. Simply contact your financial adviser or the bank officer who manages your RRSP or RRIF and request a change of designation form. You can include multiple beneficiaries: charities, family and friends.

You are also able to change this form at any time. Just be sure to revisit the form once your RRSP changes to a RRIF at age 71. It’s also a good idea to let your charity know about your intentions and to ensure that you have their correct legal name for the beneficiary form (by the way – Ecojustice’s full legal name is “Ecojustice Canada Society”).

Frances feels confident that she has made the most of her legacy gift to Ecojustice. Through Ecojustice using the law to protect and restore the environment, her wishes to defend our air, water and wildlife so future generations can thrive will be fulfilled.


For more information on making a gift in your will, please visit our legacy giving page.