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A group walks holding signs supporting the Algonquins of Barriere Lake

Adapted from a photograph by Mike Barber via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED)


Supporting the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation’s fight to protect their traditional territory

Mitchikanibikok Inik (Algonquins of Barriere Lake) v. Attorney General of Quebec (Government of Quebec and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources)

January 16, 2020

The ancestral territories of the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation encompass many sites of ecological, cultural and survival importance, including: Burial sites, ceremonial sites, heritage sites, and occupancy sites; habitat for bears, spawning fish, and bald eagles; and hunting grounds for moose, medicinal plant gathering and tree harvesting.

That’s why for years, the community has fought to keep mining off of their territory — including when junior mining company, Copper One attempted to push through deforestation permits to facilitate mining activities on their land.

Ecojustice lawyers, working with the Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement (CQDE), successfully represented the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation as interveners in Copper One’s proceeding against the Quebec government. But that wasn’t the end of the story for the community.

In 2017, Copper One and Quebec engaged in closed-door negotiations that resulted in the hand-over of the company’s mining claims to SOQUEM — a subsidiary of Ressources Québec — in exchange for $8 million. This was done without first consulting the Mitchikanibikok Inik community, as required by the Constitution Act. Since then, claims have continuously been renewed without consultation.

In January 2020, Ecojustice — in partnership with the Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement — launched a constitutional challenge on behalf of the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation.

The case challenged the constitutionality of certain sections of Quebec’s Mining Act — which allowed ‘free entry’ for anyone to claim and explore land for minerals, including within Indigenous territory — to ensure the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation is properly consulted and appropriately accommodated regarding mining on their ancestral lands. After successfully fending off a government motion that attempted to deny the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation their day in court, the case was heard in February 2024.

In October 2024, the Superior Court of Québec declared that the Québec government has failed — for decades — in its constitutional duty to consult and accommodate the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation when mining claims were made, and exploration was done on its territory.



With this win at the Superior Court of Québec, the province must consult and, as appropriate, accommodate the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation on new and existing claims.

This victory sends a resounding message: free-entry mining, which fails to uphold the duty to consult and accommodate is unconstitutional. Ecojustice celebrates this win as an important step forward in the long journey toward full recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ rights and sovereignty.

Ecojustice staff

Danielle Gallant

Josh Ginsberg

Reid Gomme


Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation
Quebec Environmental Law Centre (CQDE)

Oct 2024
A group walks holding signs supporting the Algonquins of Barriere Lake
press release

Victory for Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation

Quebec must consult on existing mining claims, and before allowing new claims  Montreal/Traditional Territories of the Kaniwn’kehá and Haudenosaunee Peoples, October 21,  2024 – In a recent ruling, the Superior Court of Québec recognized that the Québec government failed for decades in its constitutional duty to consult the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation ( also known.
Feb 2024
A group walks holding signs supporting the Algonquins of Barriere Lake
press release

First Nation challenges Quebec’s free entry mining regime in court 

Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation says Quebec’s Mining Act is unconstitutional  MONTREAL/ TRADITIONAL TERRITORY OF THE KANIWN’KEHÁ:KA AND HAUDENOSAUNEE PEOPLES — The Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation are taking the Government of Quebec to court for its systematic failure to consult and accommodate them and other Indigenous communities before granting mining claims and allowing exploration activities to occur.
Sep 2021
an open-pit copper mine
press release

Government motion attempts to deny Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation their day in court

First Nations community challenges free entry mining in Quebec court OTTAWA/TRADITIONAL, UNCEDED TERRITORY OF THE ALGONQUIN ANISHNAABEG PEOPLE – The Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation will be in the Superior Court of Quebec today for an interim hearing in a case that challenges the constitutionality of certain sections of Quebec’s Mining Act.
Jan 2020
A bright yellow tree overlooks a distance forest of trees.
press release

First Nation launches lawsuit against Quebec’s archaic Mining Act

MONTREAL, January 16th, 2020 – The Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation (Algonquin of Barrier Lake) is contesting Quebec’s Mining Act and is suing the Government of Quebec for failing to fulfil its constitutional duty to consult the community about mining projects in their traditional territory.
Jan 2020
a large lake reflects an orange sunset.

No consent, no mining

Late yesterday — in partnership with the Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement — Ecojustice launched a constitutional challenge on behalf of the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation.
Dec 2017
an open-pit copper mine
press release

STATEMENT: Copper One surrenders mining claims in First Nation traditional territory

OTTAWA — Chief Casey Ratt and representatives from Ecojustice and the Centre québécois du droit de l’environnement (CQDE) issued the following statement in response to mining company, Copper One withdrawing its claims in the ancestral territories of the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation: Chief Casey Ratt said: “We fought to drive Copper One and its mining.
Jun 2017
A bright yellow tree overlooks a distance forest of trees.

Victory! Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation: 1, Copper One: 0

As you might remember, a little more than a month ago, Ecojustice, along with our friends from CQDE, helped the Mitchikanibikok Inik First Nation take legal action and stand up to a mining company that wants to deforest their ancestral land to make way for mining exploration, and eventually a giant copper mine in the middle.