In 2018, thanks to petitions signed by you, the ministers responsible for the last surviving 73 Southern Resident Killer Whales decided that the species faced imminent threats to their very survival, and recovery — including from the impacts of shipping traffic and a shortage of Chinook salmon prey.  

When Cabinet approved the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMX), they promised to implement the Canada Energy Regulator’s 16 recommendations to protect the Salish Sea from a sevenfold increase in oil tanker traffic.  

Six years later, TMX is operational, and none of the recommendations to reduce the impacts of shipping noise or vessel strike risk on the Southern Residents have been implemented.

While Cabinet backtracks on its promises, we inch closer to losing these iconic whales.  The orcas urgently need your support again.

Write to the ministers demanding they recommend to Cabinet to implement an emergency order under the Species at Risk Act and give the Southern Residents the urgent protections they need now.